A community born out of LOVE

The story of Love Eats


Our founder, Lori Leven, comes down with a mystery illness. Her doctors are stumped, and to manage the pain, she is perscribed drugs with serious side effects.

Lori is in ver real pain: she can barely walk, and doctors aren't doing anything to really treat the disease, only the symptoms, and the drugs they perscribe her don't do much.

Lori is now facing a lifetime of pain, despite being young and "healthy".


A friend refers Lori, who is desperate and at this point, willing to try anything, to integrated medicine. This moment changes Lori's life – within days, it becomes obvious to her new doctor that her crippling illness is caused by a gluten intolerance, and a simple dietary shift changes her life, as if by magic.


Four letters – LYME – rock Lori's world for a second time. Unlike her first illness, Lyme is more common in rural areas, where she has been living, and where clean eating is even harder. With the stricter nature of the Lyme diet, her options become even more limited.

Again, the cure for Lori comes from integrated medicine, not the medical institution. For Lyme, a of the perscriptions in the would couldn't do what a simple understanding of dietary health could – and Lori's understanding of the fragility of her own health is further solidified. She understands now that we are living in a system where our medical professionals can't, or won't, take our health seriously.

It becomes Lori's mission to become her own advocate – the consequences are life and death.


The seed has been planted, and an idea is brewing.  Now that she is handling her own health, and fully running Love Adorned, a hugely sucessful retail business, Lori begins to think on ways to use all of the things she has experienced. How can she use what she knows to help others?


In March of 2020, the entire world ground to a halt... and while the world mourned, and waited in fear, Lori opened her eyes also saw how much we had also begun to thrive, both personally and ecologically.

Removing the daily stresses of work, social obligations, excessive pollution, and more, we had time to have long conversations, learn to become better and more curious cooks, and get enough sleep. Our planet had the space and time to begin to come back into balance with itself.

This new reality also showed clearly that our doctors hadn't had all the answers all along – that we are responsible for our own well-being.